Biology SL/HL/Core

Biology Videos

Download Books

  • Option A (Neurobiology) on the new syllabus. You can use it as it is.
  • Full Book This is a full PDF book but it is on the old (!!) syllabus. Be careful when you use it, so that you do not study somthing which is not relevant. It contains many, many relevant chapters, though. Sometimes the chapters are numbered differently, but you should be able to find most of the information.

Biology Assessment Criteria

The mark of the Course (Biology SL, HL, Core) will be determined by the following:

  • Rough draft notes: from the lessons and the Videos
  • Nice Notebook: This one must be handwritten (!), contain the copies of the rough draft notes, contain material from the book (SL and HL), contain answers to the questions, and drawings. Points will be given for these parts.
  • Revisions: These can be completed with the nice Notebook
  • For SL and HL: evidence that you read the book. This can include Highlights.

Nice Notebook

Include this material in the nice notebook!

Important downloads